Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday's Observations

So with the chaos of all of my midterm testing I did not get a chance to post yesterday. Yesterday was beautiful. The sky was approximately 25% covered with cirrus clouds. And the temperture was around 45 deg F for the high. I was almost tempted to wear just my sweatshirt when walking outisde on campus.

As for today. I would like to first thank all of the international viewers who have been looking at my blog. I've had viewers from Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Northern Africa. That is awesome! Now for today's weather... According to the Phillips Metstation the temperature is 51.3 deg F with a windchill of 51.1 deg F. The dew point of 44.4 deg F creating a relative humidity of 77%. There is a slight breeze blowing at 4 mph from the South. The barometer is a 1003.6 mb which is clear that the pressure is dropping in the area. The skies are 100% covered with a blanket of stratus clouds. This means that there is a chance of rain later in the afternoon. As you can see from this weather station map the low front that I spoke of yesterday is crossing the state of Wisconsin right now. Which is also clear by the Weather Channel Map below.
US: Current Weather

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday's Observation

Today is wonderful and makes me excited for the continual warming up towards spring. Today's temperature is 46.8 deg F with 43.2 deg F. The dew point is at 26.1 deg F.  The wind is from the southwest blowing at around 5 mph. The barometer is at 1017.3 mb which is down almost 10 mb from yesterday. This shows that the pressure is dropping in the area as the low pressure system moves in from the west.  The skies are around 80% covered with cirrostratus clouds today. This is keeping some of our warmer air in therefore increasing our outside temperatures. This surface station map from Unisys weather confirms the clear skies and southwest winds in the region. You can notice where the low pressure system is moving across the Dakotas and nebraskaas that is where the wind directions are from the north or west.
I predict some rain showers in the early morning as this low pressure system pushes into Wisconsin.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Weekend Recap and Monday's Observations

So this past Saturday I awoke to hear howling winds outside my window. These 20 mph cold winds made playing with the dogs at the Chippewa Valley Humane Association a little bit difficult. But my boyfriend and I survived about an hour of the outdoors before it was too cold. Sunday's weather was beautiful it was sunny and temperatures were in the low 30s.

And now for today. I looked outside my window this morning and there were clear blue skies with no clouds in site. The temperature is 42.3 deg F with a windchill of 38.7 deg F. The Dew point is 23.9 deg F creating a relative humidity of  48%.  There is a calm breeze of 5 mph from the south. The barometer is at 1026.5 mb. The clear skies and the south wind is confirmed by this UNISYS weather station map
This map fromt eh weather station confirms the clear weather over the midwest region and shows that we are currently in a high pressure system.

I forcast clear skies for tomorrow but another cool down on the way mid week when the cold front that is over the rockies moves across the country.